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Sunday, February 6, 2011

After the Freeze

OK, so perhaps Houston over-reacted to the impending snow...

I'm happy to know that the rest of the country found us amusing!

In the event, it didn't happen.  Perhaps a little sleet here and there, but mainly just some icy roads. Hey - I'm not complaining, I got an extra day off work on Friday!  Most unexpected, and most appreciated.

But as I wandered around the garden this weekend, I was not happy to see that the fennel, which had weathered earlier cold snaps, finally bit the big one and now lies a shrivelled mess.

While 10 yards away, around our 'Raine' water treatment system, the weeds are looking disgustingly robust.

It's not all bad news though. On my inspection tour, I happened to notice that the daffodils I planted a couple of weeks ago are beginning to come up.

And the Achillea I put in last spring, that really didn't do anything last year, are looking healthy and ready to go this year.

The pansies I put around the trees in front have withstood the attentions of whatever hungry critter was nibbling on them...

And while I was putting in a few more bulbs, I discovered another little treasure - baby bluebonnets, seeded from last year's plants. This one is the bigger of the two I found, only a couple of inches across at the moment. Which reminds me, I gathered some seed last year, I wonder if it's too late to sow it now?

This has been a bumper week for birds.  The cold weather has brought them to the feeders in droves.

We've been getting a lot of house sparrows this year, which we haven't in previous winters at this house. I didn't even notice the tufted titmouse seen here until I downloaded the photo to my computer.

Normally, I miss my chance to get a photo of the Carolina Chickadee, or just get a blurred shot as he flies away, but I lay in wait this time.  The camera was on the tripod and I stood inside the back door for 10 minutes waiting for him to come back so I could snag a photo. I'm happy with how this one came out.

Words and photographs by Jayne Wilson, Green and Serene, Jayne's Country Garden.


Kyna said...

I love those little chickadees :D

Pam's English Garden said...

Dear Jayne, Your February garden is looking great! P x