I couldn't resist grabbing the camera and taking some photos out the window. Not the best quality ( I really need to follow the Backyard Bird Photography Tips I found at Robin's Nesting Place) but I wanted to share them anyway.
This red-bellied woodpecker got me out of bed this morning! I woke up when I heard him outside and realized there were probably a lot of cold and hungry birds out there.
This Northern Cardinal was quite happy to share breakfast with the Chipping Sparrows.
I didn't count as many Chipping Sparrows today as I did yesterday, but there were still plenty of them.
This Mourning Dove was grateful that I had melted the solid block of ice that had been in the birdbath.
Every now and then, among all the Chipping Sparrows, I caught sight of other birds -- Carolina Chickadees, that I can never get a photo of, House Wrens, etc. I thought this little guy, that I hadn't seen before, might be a goldfinch in winter plumage, but my fellow garden bloggers on HoustonGrows told me it's a Pine Warbler.
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