Saturday, January 16, 2010

Foliage Follow-Up - January 16, 2010

Yesterday, I took part in Garden Blogger's Bloom Day for the first time.  And as I was browsing through some of the other blogs participating, I read about Foliage Follow-Up, hosted by Pam at Digging.

So this morning I had to get out with the camera and see what we have. I was in for a surprise!

Just outside the back door we have a Star Jasmine. My husband used to have one when he lived in California and he says it had a very lovely scent. But we've dubbed this one the Star Scentless because, although it had a profusion of blooms last year, try as we might, we could not discern any kind of scent. Still, it held up well through the freeze and the birds like hopping from it to the nearby feeder, so I guess we'll keep it :-)

Along the back wall, the Nandina domestica, 'Firecracker', is glowing.  It's looking a little lonely though, there's just a bare expanse of wall either side of it, that I lamented in my Planning a Garden for Winter Interest post.  Still, spring is not too far away and I'm starting to get an idea of how the back border will be laid out.

In the small bed next to the garage is a little hollyhock, Alcea rosea 'Chater's Double', that I planted last year.  It came through the freeze very well, with no protection at all - just a couple of yellow leaves.  I'm hopeful that I'll see blooms on it this year.

The Indian Hawthorn, Rhaphiolepis indica, at the front of the house, is doing very well. The bush seems to offer something in every season.  I love how the new leaves have a tinge of red on the undersides. In spring it's absolutely covered in blooms and after the flowers have faded, it's covered in blue/purple berries.

And here's the surprise I mentioned :-)

Over in the back corner of the back garden, by the utility boxes, I was very pleasantly surprised to see that the Butterfly Bush, Buddleia davidii, is covered in new little leaves. I'm thrilled to see signs of new life so early in the year! The gray-green color is a nice contrast to the nearby holly bushes and the rest of the (dead) foliage.

Not bad, I think, for my first Foliage Follow-Up.

I'm looking forward to getting started on the garden this year. Let's just hope it's not as brutal as last year was!


  1. I was surprised to see my buddleia with leaves as well. They're new for me but I've read that one should really prune it hard in early spring. So even though it's got leaves, I'll be whacking it back! Looks like you've got some good foliage going there and that everything survived the freezes fairly well!

  2. Thanks for the info Jean. Now I think about it, it does sprawl a bit, so cutting it way back will be a good thing.

  3. Welcome to bloom day. What a pity your star jasmine has no fragrance. I have both the Confederate form and star form. Both have incredible fragrance. If it doesn't have any scent this year I suggest you pull it out and try another. The Confederate has a slight yellow tinge and the star is pure white. I have the yellow type at the front door and it wafts into the house. I hope it has survived the cold weather.

  4. Thanks Lancashire rose. Yes, I was thinking that's probably what I'll do if it doesn't have any scent this year. I hope your Confederate jasmine survived the freeze and comes back for you in spring.

  5. I'm jealous of that nandina - gorgeous color. You have a lot to look at in January!

  6. Hi Jayne, glad to meet your through Bloom Day. Thanks for your comments at Hill Country Mysteries. Meeting new gardening friends is the best thing about blogging.

    I didn't know the recent freezing weather went as far as Houston. Your plants look like they came through beautifully, nice color.

    We had star jasmine in Florida that scented the whole yard...until the hurricanes blew it away. Your post made me think how nice it would be to have some again. I wonder if deer eat it.

    Look forward to following your garden adventures. It will be fun to see how you fill out the beds around your house.

  7. Hi, Jayne. Thanks for participating in Foliage Follow-Up. I enjoyed seeing your January greenery. Bummer about the star jasmine though. They really do smell delightful. Maybe this spring it'll do its thing.

  8. Hi Jayne,
    I enjoyed your outdoor foliage. That nandia is sure pretty. I am so ready for spring to get here! I'm sorry your temps got so cold. Ours are supposed to, but not yours.


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