Sunday, January 10, 2010

Starting Over

The title of this post has a double meaning.  First, it refers to the fact that, although I have been maintaining a blog, Green and Serene, on, the Houston Chronicle gardening community, I'm starting it up here on as well. 

Secondly, it refers to the fact that I am, once again, starting a new garden from scratch.

My husband and I moved to a new home in a new subdivision last summer. I knew the one thing I was going to miss most was the lovely cottage garden I had created at my previous house.  I really got emotional about leaving it behind but tried to look on the positive side.  

Our new home offers new opportunities to create a peaceful retreat for the two of us, where we can relax and I can enjoy my gardening. We selected the lot carefully, and chose this one because of the tree in the back garden.  I've never had a mature tree in my garden before!

When we moved in during the summer of 2008, there wasn't much there but a vast expanse of lawn, but eventually, I want to plant a multi-level shrubbery across the back wall and some island beds, to create a habitat for the many birds we get here.

Even though we've barely started, one of our favorite weekend pastimes is to sit in the shade on the patio and watch the birds, squirrels and butterflies as they go about their business.

My blog will document our progress, and also show you some of our regular feathered and furry visitors.


  1. Hey Jayne, welcome to blogspot! I am behind in my blogging, so you may not realize I came here because I'm visiting the people who left comments on my GBBD post. I enjoyed your variety of posts here.

    We live in the house my husband grew up in, and it has taken awhile to have the space I'd like for flowers. The veggies are pretty much in the back, but I also started gardening across the street last year. Have fun getting your gardens going at your new place!

  2. Good luck and have fun creating your new garden. I left behind an established garden a little more than a year ago, when we moved into a new-old home. Where before I had a blank slate that I'd made my own, now I have big trees, rocks, deer and a slope. New challenges keep us young!


Thanks for taking a moment to post a comment on my blog. I love reading your thoughts!