Saturday, March 20, 2010

A New Work-in-Progress at Green and Serene

It was a cold, wet and windy day afternoon down here in Texas, so I started playing around with my blog.  Recently, I've seen some really nice blog designs from The Cutest Blog on the Block so I went over to see what they had to offer.

While they have tons of beautiful free blog backgrounds, they didn't have quite was I was looking for, for my own blog. But what they did have was a page with instruction on How to Make Your Own Blog Background

So I spent a while playing around in Photoshop Elements and, with a background image I found in one of my scrapbooking kits by Jaelop Designs, I made my own simple background. 


 I'm not sure that I'm finished with it yet -- I'll probably add an image up in the header area -- I just have to take the right photo yet.  

As the title says, this is a work in progress :-)


  1. Your new background looks so much like a tapestry piece ... it's quite lovely.

  2. Thanks Bernie. I loved the background when I found it in the scrapbooking kit. You're right, it does have the feel of a tapestry doesn't it? I'm think, rather than use a photo for the header, I might play around with the same image and make a header out of it.

  3. Sounds like a nice idea, Jayne. I'd like to see the whole piece.

  4. It turned out great, Jayne. I sometimes look at my blog through different templates, but keep the minima stretch because I like to post large photos. I do switch the colors a lot.


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