Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Caught in the Act!

I was putting bird seed out the fence this morning and heard "something."  As my eyes adjusted to the dark, I realized I wasn't alone.  He didn't seem concerned about me being there, so I decided to see if he'd wait while I got the camera.

He was too busy with breakfast to notice...

Words and photographs by Jayne Wilson, Green and Serene, Jayne's Country Garden.


  1. What a cute picture! We usually don't see them here, but we see that they've been here by the mess in the pond. I did see one recently in the morning and he didn't seem bothered by me at all either.

  2. Thanks Catherine. I was amazed that he was so close and seemingly unbothered. I went indoors, got the camera and took three photos with the flash and he didn't bat an eye.

  3. What a nerve eating the birds breakfast!

  4. Hi Jane, thanks for mentioning this at Hill Country Mysteries. I've been focused on deadlines and am behind (again)reading my friends.

    He looks young, I'm betting just a teenager. Please be cautious about raccoons that allow close approach. We've had rabid raccoons in our county this year...infected animals lose some of their fear of people.


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