Monday, May 31, 2010

Closed for the Week

My husband and I are flying up to Indianapolis tomorrow to attend Eric's mother's Memorial Service.  She died peacefully in her sleep last week, in the house she had lived in for 30 years, surrounded by friends and family.

She will be missed.

I won't have internet access while I'm away, but I should be back Friday. 


  1. I'm so sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. I hope you have safety in your travels.

  2. Will be thinking of you and your husband. Hope the good memories are comfort.

  3. Thanks everyone. We got back late last night. Although it was a sad week, it was also very comforting. The memorial Mass was said in the church that she had attended for nearly 30 yrs. It was a quiet service, just how she would want it and was very touching. Also very touching that so many family and friends could be there, including her 93 yr old sister.

  4. I'm sorry Jayne, I didn't see this before :( I'm very sorry for your loss.


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