Monday, July 5, 2010

Time Lapse Star Gazer and other Rainy Day Garden Pleasures

 As I was sitting on the patio on Saturday, having morning coffee and wiping the steam from my glasses, I noticed something pink to the side of the grape vine.

I tiptoed across the wet grass and noticed that the small Stargazer Lily, tucked in between the grapevine and the Vitex tree, was beginning to bloom.

I checked on it throughout the day and each time, it's lovely bloom was open a little more. Not great photos, I'm afraid, because the camera lens kept steaming up like my glasses!

This Phillipine Lily looks like it's about to bloom too.

The milkweed are "sans aphids" - perhaps the rain washed them off?

I'm not sure if it's still officially Pollinator Week, but this guy was hard at work on the Rose of Sharon.

This Penta is enjoying the rain... it's neighbor is too far gone to notice...

I hope the swallowtail caterpillar enjoyed it.

I gave the Buddlea a hair cut a week or two back and it's putting out some fresh blooms, which the bees are loving.

OK Mother Nature - the rain barrel is full, you can turn off the waterworks now.

There was lots of bird activity in the garden too, and I managed to get some photos which I'll share in my next blog post.

Words and photographs by Jayne Wilson, Green and Serene, Jayne's Country Garden.


  1. We were happy to have a rainy holiday weekend too.

    Every time I see your garden I feel wistful for the beautiful plants that deer keep us from having.

  2. Wasn't the rain refreshing, Kathleen? We have deer in our area too, but they seem to keep to the back of the subdivision, where it's not built out yet. I have seen deer tracks in the lot next to us, but other than a sunflower, I don't think they have snacked on anything in the front garden.

  3. Hi Jayne,
    I just read to where I'd left off on your blog. Those walking sticks are cool looking. What fun that you got to see the male and female together. We don't have any here.

    I enjoyed your time lapse photography on that pretty lily. Are you sure it was a caterpillar that ate your other penta? It looks like some of my plants have after being eaten by rabbits.

    I think the milkweed blooms are on the top of my favorites list right now. I keep forgetting to show my purple milkweed bloom. I think I will for Bloomin' Tuesday.

    My 2 rain barrels are full, too, and we keep getting water in our basement with all the rain we're having. We had quite a thunderstorm last night.

    Thanks for your comment on my Camera Critters post. I take lots of photos that don't turn out before getting those that do.


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