Monday, November 1, 2010

Weekend Meet-Up and Winged Visitor to the Garden

At our weekend meetup at Ursula's house, it was great to meet and chat with some of the Houston Grows garden bloggers. We had a wonderful time browsing around Ursula's garden, swapping plants and enjoying a nice lunch.  I was also blown away by the butterflies flocking around Ursula's Mexican sunflowers! I've never seen so many butterflies in one place!  Of course, you can bet I came away with some Mexican Sunflowers!

Back in my own garden, I have some orange too, in the form of this Indian Blanket/Blanket flower (not sure which, I apparently neglected to note this in my garden journal when I planted it)

I'm particularly taken by the chocolate brown speckles at the ends of the petals.

It's popular with butterflies too.  I didn't have the swarms that graced Ursula's garden, but this one allowed me to take photos.

That's it from me today. I was working till midnight on Sunday and was busy at work today too.  I need to catch up on some sleep!

Words and photographs by Jayne Wilson, Green and Serene, Jayne's Country Garden.


  1. Hi!
    These pics are absolutely magnificent with such cool colors of nature.
    I came across your blog on internet and wondered why I haven't visited it before. I am a hobby gardener myself and love to see my plants grow and produce nice flowers.

    I am an instant follower and bookmarked the blog instantly.
    On my first visit to the blog I would like to share something too. I recently came across a magnificent resource which gives us a wonderful opportunity to Organize Seeds easily and conveniently. And the best thing is that its still FREE to join.
    I am sure that you and other blog followers will love it too!
    I hope to learn more about gardening from you and other fellows here.
    Happy Gardening

  2. Gorgeous pictures! And your Gulf Frittilary butterfly is the same shade as the flower. I bet that's not a coincidence.

  3. Hi Jill, I'm so glad you found my blog. I hope I can keep active with it, since I have so much else going on right now. I'll be sure and check out the seed organizer. Now I'm starting to harvest my own seeds, I need something like that!

  4. I love your pretty Mexican sunflowers. I want to see them personally and wish I can also add them into my garden too. Anyway, thanks for sharing this post. Keep posting.



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