Wednesday, April 27, 2011

It's a Bloomin' Party!

 A couple of weeks ago, I showed you many of the plants I had getting ready to bloom in the garden.  

Well, the party has started!

 There are lots of buds on the daylilies, but this diminutive yellow one was the first to show its face.

Catching the late afternoon sun, this red one wasn't far behind.

The "New Gold" Lantanas are filling in spots all around the front border, much to the delight of the bees and butterflies. 

My Easter lilies didn't quite get opened up in time for Easter this year.  But they are lovely anyway, if a little late.

Side note: I'm seriously considering digging up the African lily plants that the builder put in (seen here behind that Easter lilies and also in the photo of the entry, above).  

They are huge and one is planted so close to the sprinkler head that it completely blocks the spray from reaching any of that corner of the bed.  Of course, that closeness to the sprinklers is the very thing that has stopped me from digging -- I don't want to rip out the sprinklers by accident.

In the back garden, the Buddleia has started to bloom behind the utility boxes. I didn't see any butterflies on it tonight, but I know from experience they love this bush.

 And the Vitex, another butterfly and bee magnet, is now covered in blooms.

I bought these garden mums for a little seasonal color -- last Halloween!!  They're in bloom already and I'm sure, with a couple of haircuts, they will be blooming all the way to next Halloween!

A little slow getting to the bloomin' party, the Rose of Sharon has opened her first bloom, with the promise of hundreds more to follow.

What's blooming in your garden this week?

Words and photographs by Jayne Wilson, Green and Serene, Jayne's Country Garden.


  1. Jayne: Wow, your garden is really having a blooming party! Love that Rose of Sharon! Do you happen to know the names of your day lily? I am trying to find some daylily varieties that can survive the hot weather we have in south Florida, and I think Texas' weather maybe close enough to Florida's :) Thanks!

  2. Thanks Ami. Unfortunately, I don't have the names. It was a "grab bag" of daylilies and, while I made a diagram with what was planted where, I lost the diagram and have no record :-(
    The Rose of Sharon came with me from my previous house - I took some cuttings and now have three of them in the garden. They can be invasive, but I love them.


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