Sunday, May 15, 2011

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - May 2011

On the 15th of every month Carol of May Dreams Gardens invites garden bloggers around the world to show what's blooming in their gardens.

I often end up missing GBBD, but as I was browsing blogs this morning, I noticed all the posts, checked my calendar and -- hallelujah!  I haven't missed it!

So here's an overview of what is struggling through the drought here in my little patch of Texas.

The daylilies in the front garden are worth their weight in gold.  Nothing seems to faze them and, once again, they are delighting me with their vivid, hot colors under the hot summer sun.

Along the wall in the back garden, I have a grouping of containers containing Texas Star Hibiscus, not yet in bloom, Hamelia patens, also not yet in bloom and this lovely little Columbine, which I have never grown before.

I think I finally found a spot that this hydrangea enjoys.  It's on the back patio, which faces north, and it's on the east side of one of the columns so it's protected from the harsh afternoon sun that burned it in it's former location.  It's rewarding me with blooms :-)  This was a pass-along from fellow garden blogger, Ursula and I'm happy to be able to tell her I haven't killed it yet!

This hanging basket is a new acquisition, featuring a Calliope hybrid Geranium and Scaveola "Bombay White".  I think I'm probably going to move it from here.  It's very lush right now and where it's hanging, if there's the slightest breeze, it's going to get banged against the column.  I also don't think it's going to get enough sun here, although the spot does get afternoon sun.

The Vitex, the star of the summer garden, is blooming profusely and is being visited daily by lots of bees, as well as the hummingbirds.  I was happy to be able to snap this shot, even though it's not a great photo.

The butteflies are loving it too.

To wrap up today's post, some non-bloom-related photos:

As I was going through some photos, I realized that I had a better photo than one I had posted of the baby wrens that fledged last week, in the crepe myrtle tree.  I love his little punk rock hairdo of baby fuzz.

And lastly, this is not something you would normally see in a garden, but this is Texas!

What was he doing in our garden?  We assume he was after water. I had used the hose earlier in the day and although I had turned it off, I didn't empty it, so it was dripping a little.  In fact I think I must do that a lot because the ground around where the hose pipe is stays a bit damp.

This little guy and his sibling, came for the water, although one of them went on to dig up the flowerbed!

This drought is really affecting everything, not just our gardens but the wildlife too. These two visited two afternoons in a row and then we had a little rainstorm which added water to the local ditches.  We haven't seen them since.

I kind of miss them, although not the damage they were doing to the flowerbeds.  I appreciated the chanced to get up close and personal with these gentle creatures.

Words and photographs by Jayne Wilson, Green and Serene, Jayne's Country Garden.


  1. Dear Jayne, Wow! Armadillos in your garden! Your pictures are fascinating to me. The weather in this country is crazy, isn't it? -- You have a drought while the southeast is flooded out. And it is pretty hot and dry in England, I believe, so I don't know where it is best to be gardening this spring. Your blooms are lovely. P. x

  2. Hi Pam, yes the weather is crazy. Some areas are inundated with water while others are crying out for it. We need more aqueducts going across country, taking excess water to where it's needed!

  3. Now I want an armadillo in my garden, too!

  4. Your little columbine has a lovely color.
    I love all these beautiful birds and butterflies you always share.
    We don't have the last little creature and this time I'm glad that we don't.
    Have a nice evening!

  5. Happy Bloom Day! This is my first visit to your blog and it's lovely! What a treat to see photos of armadillo's. I wish we could share the over abundance of rain we are getting in the PNW! Cheers, Jenni

  6. QbC - you may not like them so much when they burrow through your flower beds!
    MaiaT - yes we are blessed with an array of different wildlife here. The Armadillo is a distant cousin of the anteater and is the State Animal of Texas, where we live.
    Jenni - thanks for visiting my blog. I'm glad you enjoyed it and I too wish you could send some rain our way!

  7. I love all the wildlife in your garden. What would our gardens be without them? I become frustrated with some of them from time to time, but I really do enjoy watching them go about their daily tasks. Lovely blooms! Happy GBBD Day!

  8. The dillo's looking for grubs or worms. It is so strange that an area that normally gets 50" inches of rain hasn't recieved a tenth of that. Wierd. Live in San Antonio for 12 years and went through the last 7 year drought. You know what follows a drought? A flood. lol..

  9. I know all about dry weather and drought. We've had lots of experience with them here. Despite the dry conditions, you've got some lovely green grass and some beautiful blooms.

    I've often thought about growing a Hydrangea in a pot ... it wouldn't do well in the ground here. I might have to give it a go after seeing yours.

    Loved your garden visitor. Shame about the damage they caused. I've so enjoyed my visit today ... ooh, loved your Aquilegia too!

  10. You're hydrangea looks great, I had some in the ground, but didn't have much luck with them so I passed them along. I also love the bright color of that daylily!

  11. Sage Butterfly - thanks for visiting and for your comment. I love watching wildlife in the garden too. It's endless entertainment, both for me and for our indoor cats!
    Greggo - We need rain, but let's hope we don't get floods of it. But you're probably right, that's what will happen :-(
    Bernie - definitely try a hydrangea in a container. That's been my answer to lousy soil, compacted by the construction process and pine tree roots invading our garden in search of water from our sprinklers!
    HGG - thanks for stopping by and for your comments :-)

  12. LOL I never expected to see an armadillo Jayne - way too cute. Hydrangeas even hate the summer sun here in the UK so I'm sure it would detest the Texas heat even more so. It looks as if you've got the perfect spot for it now and I do like the lilac coloured blooms on it.

  13. There's not a spot in Texas, as big as the state is, that isn't dry.

    Loved seeing your hummingbird-vitex pic! And the baby wren. How sweet to provide habitat.

    We're seeing deer predation worse than the Epic Drought that ended in 2009. They're even eating some of my sages.

  14. Those poor, dear little armadillos! Love the Vitex...that's one plant I dearly wish I had room stunning in bloom!

  15. Hi Jayne,
    I enjoyed seeing your blooms and nice assortment of critters. I guess I shouldn't complain about the squirrels digging my plants up. At least they only dig a few at a time.

  16. The Armadillos are so cute. I've always wanted to see a live one, though not one digging in my flower beds. The birds here are scavaging desperately for water too. I've tried to make sure to refresh the birdbaths each evening.


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