Thursday, April 5, 2012

Leibster Blog Award


At the beginning of February, fellow Houston gardener, Lucy, from Lucy's in the Garden awarded my blog the Leibster Blog Award. I'm embarrassed to admit that life sort of got in the way and I actually forgot about it.  I'm so sorry Lucy, I don't think I even thanked you at the time!

I was reminded of it last week when another Houston garden blogger, Dorothy at Gardening With Nature also nominated me for this award!

Liebster is German for ‘favorite’ and the rules of accepting the award require the recipient to pass the award along to five of their favorite blogs with less than 200 followers. Trying to narrow it down to five is the difficult part.

  • Kathleen at Hill Country Mysteries - Kathleen's blog features some wonderful photography and a little insight into living in the Texas Hill Country. I also appreciate Kathleen's generous advice to novice gardeners such as myself.  
  • Jenny, at Rock Rose is another Hill Country gardener who has truly inspired me to "go native." Like me, she's a transplanted Brit and the advice I find in her blog about gardening in Texas has been invaluable to me as I have struggled to get my garden growing.
  • MaiaT at Macro Flower Pictures has inspired me to really work on my photography.  Her raindrop macro photos are awesome.  I also love her other blog, featuring her original artwork.
  • Kimberly at Garden in Paradise has a wonderful blog full of stories and photos about her beautiful gardens in Florida. Kimberly was one of the bloggers who inspired me to seek certification for my own garden as a Wildlife Habitat.  
  • Pam, at Pam's English Garden, is yet another transplanted Brit (funny how we all love gardening, isn't it?) Pam is a Master gardener who inspires me with the beautiful garden she has created.
The rules for accepting the Liebster Award are as follows:

1. Link back to the person who gave it to you and thank them.
2. Post the award to your blog.
3. Give the award to five bloggers with less than 200 followers that you appreciate and value.
4. Leave a comment on each of the five blogs to let them know that they have been offered the award.

Congratulations to my five award honorees.  Thanks for sharing your knowledge and love of gardening through your blogs.

Words and photographs by Jayne Wilson, Green and Serene, Jayne's Country Garden.


  1. Dear Jayne, Thank you! I accept with pleasure! P. x

  2. Congratulations, Jayne, for this honour. Well deserved too.

  3. Hi Jayne, thanks for the links to some more Texas blogs. I like looking at what others in this area plant. I have had a few hummers at my feeder. Have you seen any? Happy Easter! Carol

  4. Thanks everyone. I haven't seen any hummers yet Carol. I'm going to refresh my feeders again this weekend and see what I can see :-)

  5. Thank you very much Jayne for the award and for your beautiful words on my blog.
    What a pleasant Easter bunny present!

    I'll make a post about it after Easter.

    Happy Easter to you and your family!


Thanks for taking a moment to post a comment on my blog. I love reading your thoughts!