Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day - January 2013

I wouldn't go so far as to say this is my New Year's Resolution, but I do plan to try and post a Garden Bloggers Bloom Day post on the 15th of each month this year.

If I manage it, it will be a first for me!  Past experience shows that I have a bad habit of forgetting about it until days later.

So, even though it's fairly late in the evening now - at least it's the right day!  A good start, wouldn't you say?

As for blooms, well if I hadn't have gone out to Lowe's before Christmas to pick up some pansies I wouldn't have any color in the garden at all now.

But as it happens, I have three varieties of rather pretty trailing violas...

Nothing special about them, but they do add a touch of color to the "birdbath corner."

I do love them - such cheerful little blooms.

Wonder if I'll have anything to show you next month?

If you'd like to participate in Garden Bloggers Bloom Day or visit other participating sites, pay a visit to Carol at May Dream Gardens to see what it's all about.

Words and photographs by Jayne Wilson, Green and Serene, Jayne's Country Garden.


  1. Your Violas are so sweet. Thanks for sharing them. Best of luck with joining in GBBD this year. I know I was going great guns for most of last year, but then completely forgot about it for the last three months. I did manage to complete my first GBBD post for this year however.

  2. Thanks Bernie. I ran out to the store just before Christmas to get some blooms so that our poor little Monarch butterfly might have some nectar if she chose. They were the only blooms to be had anywhere at that time - most nurseries were closed for the Holidays.

  3. I do love those sweet little violas! So pretty. I have got to get some color in my brown garden. Violas might be at least part of the solution.


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