Saturday, February 22, 2014

A Few Signs of Spring

It was nice and mild outside this morning as I was putting some fresh seed out for the birds.  While I was outside, I noticed that there are starting to be a few welcome signs that spring is finally on the way.

I had stuck this metal daffodil, purchased in Hobby Lobby I think, in the ground several weeks ago, and was very pleased to notice that the real daffodil next to it is starting to show some signs of life and leaf out.

The only blooms in the garden at the moment are still the pansies that were planted between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  My only regret was not planting more of them.  They are such happy flowers, they always make me smile.

While most of the perennials are still no more than sticks in the ground, I was happy to note that the Turk's Cap Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii, is putting out some new growth.

The real stars, though, are the daylilies in the island bed.  They starting coming up weeks ago and seem to have shrugged off our freezing weather.  Looking at these photos - I need to do some clean up work of last year's leaves and also get to work dividing these up.  

Not sure when is the best time to do that, if someone could give me some tips, I would appreciate it.

What signs of spring do you see in your garden today?

Words and photographs by Jayne Wilson, Green and Serene, Jayne's Country Garden.


  1. Those pansies are so pretty! I keep planning on planting daffodils, maybe next year.
    It sure does feel like Spring, I have buds on the Redbuds and Quince. I even noticed a bud on the Bluebonnets. It is suppose to be in the 80's this weekend in SA. Have a nice weekend!

  2. Oh good, I'm glad your Turk's cap is coming back. I haven't seen new growth on mine yet, but plenty of other plants are coming back to life!

  3. Hello again Jayne... what a lovely post, and isn't it strange that the signs of spring in our English garden are really similar to those in yours, a garden so far away! Cold and windy here today though and tiny heads of snowdrops are shivering :-) Jane Jazz

  4. Thanks for stopping by Steph. Your comment made me check our Sam Houston peach tree and, sure enough, it's starting to get buds too.

  5. I'm sure your Turk's Cap will come back too Misti. We just need a little patience :-)

  6. Hello Jane. Thanks for stooping for a visit. I hope you're not affected by the flooding I'm reading about in England. I do miss snowdrops, haven't seen them in decades!

  7. New growth popping up through the ground is always exciting. Yes, love those pansies- if I could just keep the pill bugs away. They love them too.

  8. It is nice to see those bits of green along with a few blossoms pushing through, isn't it? Spring is almost here.

  9. Ha ha, love the typo Jayne... I'm not quite at the stooping stage yet! We have flooding in the area, but nowhere near as bad as Somerset. Nice to talk to you again after over 2 years :-)

  10. There are no signs of spring in my garden yet ... just snow and ice, but I know it will arrive. I separate my daylilies in early spring - one of the first jobs I need to do after the thaw. P. x

  11. Thanks for the info Pam. I'll divide my daylilies either this weekend or next then.


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