Saturday, April 5, 2014

First Hummingbird of the Year

Some other garden bloggers and Facebook friends in the Houston area reported having over-wintering Rufous hummingbirds in their gardens this past winter.

I wasn't that lucky, but my husband reported that he had seen a hummer in the garden last week when he was working on our new island bed. It was enjoying the blossoms on the new orange trees he had just planted.

I made up a batch of hummingbird nectar last night and put up two feeders and - lo and behold - we have a hummingbird!

The first one of the year appears to be a female Ruby-throated Hummingbird. 

I don't recall seeing them this early in the year before - in fact, as I look through my iPhoto catalog for last year, the first hummingbird photos weren't taken until May.

The red dome over the feeder is designed to protect the feeder from damaging UV rays as well as rain, and also protects the nectar so it stays fresh longer.  I'm thinking that a flying hummingbird could probably spot it from a mile off, so hopefully we will see lots of hummingbird action this year.

Now the garden just has to catch up and be ready for them!

Words and photographs by Jayne Wilson, Green and Serene, Jayne's Country Garden.

1 comment:

  1. I've had them in Conroe for about a week. 3 so far. Everything is finally starting green up and be pretty. Didn't think it ever would! Have a great week


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