Friday, May 2, 2014

For the Birds

As the garden has started coming back to life this spring, it has pained me to see that the weeds have been coming back much quicker than the actual lawn.  

A few years ago, I would have been quick to treat the whole yard with a good dose of some sort of weed and feed, but since I'm attempting to be a chemical free gardener, I have resisted the urge.

It pleases me then, to look out in to the backyard and see birds pecking around and eating the seeds off the myriad weeds out there in the lawn. It reminds me of why I'm doing what I'm doing :-)

Interestingly, the front lawn is more or less weed free, apart from some patches of clover (which the bees LOVE), which makes me wonder if most of the weeds I'm seeing in the lawn in the back are actually sprouting from birdseed which has fallen from the fence and wall where I put it out for the birds. 

Still, I suppose as long as the weeds are green, and we keep them mowed, I can live with them.  And the Home Owner's Association will be happy because the front yard is mostly St. Augustine turfgrass. 

Words and photographs by Jayne Wilson, Green and Serene, Jayne's Country Garden.


  1. I am so glad you don't use chemicals any more, Jayne. We mow the weeds, too. Your garden is lovely in spite of a few wild plants growing where they are not wanted. P. x

  2. It’s great to try to be organic. But you’re right about the weeds. So many of my clients want to drastically reduce their lawn, not realizing that they now don’t REALLY see their weeds. And pulling them is much harder than mowing them!

  3. Thank you Pam. I find if I don't look too closely I don't notice them as much. And of course keeping them mowed is important too, because otherwise they shoot up and stick out like they're yelling "look at me!"

  4. Thanks Diana. Now the St. Augustine is really greening up its looking better, while still being healthy for the birds.


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