Saturday, August 30, 2014

The End of Summer

Well it may be Labor Day weekend, and officially that signals the end of summer, but don't tell the garden that!

This really is my favorite time of year in the garden. We're beginning to get increasing number of butterflies visiting and, of course, the hummingbirds are out in full force, emptying the feeders and building up their energy reserves for the migration ahead.

I know I've shown you this view before -- forgive me, but I just love sitting on the patio and looking across the island bed and waterfall. 

As always, you can click on each photo for a larger image.

The sound of the waterfall lends a gentle ambiance to the garden that makes it the perfect place to sit and relax (provided I'm in the shade!!)

The Profusion zinnias in this bed were all transplanted seedlings that had self-seeded in the other island bed.   It certainly lives up to its name - "Profusion".

Butterflies just love it, including this Buckeye - the first I have managed to photograph this year.

This Swallowtail was enjoying the zinnia too.  You can't see too clearly in this photo, but the photo below, you can see it had quite a significant rip in its left wing.

The butterfly didn't seem to notice anything amiss and fluttered from bloom to bloom quite happily.

At first glance, I assumed this was a Monarch nectaring on the Tropical Milkweed, but looking closer at the photo I realized it's a Queen. (Still regal, though :-)

While the zinnias are still blooming full strength, the daylilies seem to be winding down now, after blooming profusely through the heat of the summer.  This one is still going though. I don't think I've shown photos of it before. Of course, I have no idea what it's called as usual!

And finally, a couple of photos of our wonderful feathered friends, the hummingbirds.  We've seen six or seven in the garden at one time this week.  This female thinks the Crepe Myrtle makes a good lookout post.


We've got five feeders scattered around the garden, two hanging above the patio and three out in the beds.

The red dome over the feeder attracts hummingbirds and also helps keep them cool at the same time. It's all red color attracts nearby hummingbirds and the 12" diameter baffle blocks out sunlight which keeps the feeder underneath cooler. It's made by Songbird Essentials.  I have two of them, but would like to get one of each feeder eventually.  Perhaps next year...

What's happening in your garden this Labor Day weekend?

Words and photographs by Jayne Wilson, Green and Serene, Jayne's Country Garden.


  1. Oh, my, your garden is looking really lovely. No wonder this is your favorite time of year.

    And I agree that the fountain really adds the perfect touch. The sound is soothing and the birds love it.

  2. All your hard work has really paid off. Your garden is looking lovely.

  3. Your garden is wonderfully full of life and color! You've made it a lovely retreat for people and wildlife alike.

  4. Your wildlife pictures are always stunning, Jayne. P. x

  5. Hi Jayne, things really are looking great at your place! It's fun to see the butterflies, isn't it? I've been seeing swallowtails with missing parts of their wings, too. That "break away" feature must protect them from being eaten by birds.

    I used to see hummingbirds around this time of year on some of the flowers, but did not last year, and not so far this year. I just am not organized enough to keep feeders clean and the food put in.


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