Sunday, January 11, 2015

It's January - that means it's Seed Catalog time!

It's a dark and dreary January afternoon. The garden is soggy and bedraggled, but our mailbox has been filling up with seed catalogs and gardening magazines. 

So I've been spending some time reading and dreaming. After all, what's a gardener to do when it's too cold and wet to get out in the garden?

Found on Facebook :-)

Most seed companies will be happy to send you a free catalog.

Here are some links to get you started:

Annie's Heirloom Seeds

Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds

Burpee Seed

Gurney's Seed and Nursery Co.

Native American Seed Co.

Park Seed

Seed Savers Exchange


If you live in the UK, you can request a catalogue from these companies

Marshall's Seeds

Sutton's Seeds

Thompson and Morgan


Of course, most of these companies have their full seed catalog available for online browsing, often with articles about seed starting and other gardening subjects.  But on a cold winter's day, I feel there's nothing quite like curling up in your favorite armchair with a mug of something hot and a pile of seed catalogs.

Happy armchair gardening to you all!

Words and photographs by Jayne Wilson, Green and Serene, Jayne's Country Garden.


  1. Love that poster! Oh, and the seed catalogs are not bad either.

  2. Thank you Dorothy. Yes, as soon as I saw that poster I knew I had to share it :-)


  3. Hi Jayne,I use
    www for my plants.thet come as small plugs in
    March which I then bring on for planting out in May.Without a greenhouse I find this the best way to get a good show for the summer,
    Love dad

  4. Thank you so much for posting this. I always get the urge to browse seed catalogs this time of year.


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