Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Bees are Buzzing

Down in the corner of our garden, by the birdbath and the wall where I put the bird seed, I've got two Savannah holly bushes.  I planted them when I moved in and haven't touched them since.  They're about 12 - 15 ft tall now and at this time of year, they are covered in tiny little blossoms.

When I went down to sprinkle bird seed on the wall this morning, the first thing I noticed was a happy buzzing sound that took me right back to my childhood.  I turned to look, and the Savannah hollies were alive with busy bees. 

Naturally, I grabbed the camera and took photos.  Most of them ending up being not very inspiring photos of a bee's back end with the rest of it hidden behind a leaf, but I did get a couple of decent shots to show you.

And, upon looking around the garden, I found that my little bluebonnets were popular with the bees this morning too.

Never let it be said that we aren't doing our part for pollinators :-)

Have a great week, everyone.   

Words and photographs by Jayne Wilson, Green and Serene, Jayne's Country Garden.


  1. Love the sound of buzzing bees:) I noticed them on our holly bushes as well. I had no idea this was a good pollinator plant.

  2. Bees are wonderful, aren't they? I remember your garden photos when it was mostly grass and fence. What an oasis you've created!

  3. Thank you Kathleen. Yes, it's come quite a way since we moved in.


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