Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Garden Blogger's Bloom Day - July 2015

I'm notorious for forgetting to participate in Garden Blogger's Bloom Day, hosted on the 15th of each month by Carol at May Dreams Gardens.

Here we are in July and I have participated a total of ZERO times this year!  Until today, that is.

I was reminded of GBBD, as it is affectionately know, when another Houston area garden blogger, Dorothy of The Nature of Things, posted a link to her GBBD post on Facebook this morning.

So, before I forget again, here are some blooms from our garden.

The Profusion zinnia threatened to take over the entire garden this year.  I had to do some major thinning and there are still more of them than anything else in the garden.  I'm not complaining though, they shrug off the heat and humidity and the butterflies and bees love them.

To offset all the orange, I interspersed some Angelonia.  I should have added some salvia as well, for the bees and hummingbirds, but I've not had much success with it in the past and just didn't get around to planting any this year.

I like this white Angelonia too.

In the back border, this Gomphrena adds another splash of purple amid all the orange.

This Philippine lily caught me by surprise.  It was a passalong from a gardening friend a few years ago and it's tucked in behind the shrubs in the front border.  I had forgotten about it until the beautiful blooms caught my eye as I was heading out the front door yesterday.  I took this photo today, so I didn't cheat! LOL.

Some of the daylilies are still hanging on, such as this little gold one -- Stella D'Oro, perhaps?

And finally, more zinnias, as well as a very exuberant Turk's Cap.  I even saw a hummingbird on this just the other day.

That's it from me today.  Once again, thank you Carol for hosting Garden Blogger's Bloom Day.


Words and photographs by Jayne Wilson, Green and Serene, Jayne's Country Garden.


  1. Glad you could join us this month.
    I love Turk's Cap - such unusual little blooms!
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

  2. Love the orange zinnias!! I've grown them before, but sadly they didn't reseed, probably due to my hard clay. I grew some white zinnias this year - so far they are tiny little things as I put them in my new bed which hasn't been amended very much yet. One of these years I'll get them going. I like flowers that keep (politely) reseeding themselves!

  3. I love the combination of orange and purple. It really pops! All your blooms are lovely. The 'Profusion' zinnia is a winner. I think you probably got your Philippine lilies from the same source that I did. They are a nice reminder of good times.

  4. Zinnias are awesome; attract hummingbirds as well as butterflies and bees. Drought-resistant, take the heat. AND reseed.

    You mentioned planting salvia. Will the native Autumn sage (Salvia greggii) not grow there? It's a perennial and evergreen, just needs pruning back once or twice a year. Waterwise too. The deep pink blooming ones seem to be especially hardy; the white blooming ones take part shade well.

    Fun to see your gardens.

  5. Thanks Kathleen. I don't recall which varieties of Salvia I have tried. I'll give it another try in the island beds and see if I have more luck.

  6. You wont find salvia in my garden, Jayne, as I hate the smell of it. Your lovely Gomphrena reminded me I forgot to plant some this year. It is one of my favorite annuals. Your July garden is looking lovely. P. x


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