Saturday, July 25, 2015

The Birds and the Bees

 What a fun morning in the garden today!  As I was sitting on the patio enjoying my morning coffee I had a chance to get some photos of the young birds who have been visiting the feeders this week.

This young mockingbird was hopping around in the grape vine, cheeping plaintively.

He was quite insistent, and wasn't shy about letting his wants known.

And finally his patience was rewarded when mom (or is it dad?) arrives with something tasty.  I was lucky to snap these photos.  About five seconds after the last one was taken, both birds disappeared into the hedgerow opposite, and I haven't seen them since!

Once the mockingbirds had moved on, I was happy to see the Cardinal Kids show up. They both look a little moth-eaten at the moment, the male below especially, as they get their adult plumage.

Their beaks are starting to turn color as well - they were much darker a few days ago.

And finally, the Profusion zinnia is proving irresistible to several bumble bees (as well as butterflies, but I will keep that for another post).

I'm not positive which species of bumble bee these are, as there are 46 species.  It may be Bombus auricomus, but I'm really not sure.  If anyone knows, please let me know!

I'm going to add today's post to Camera Critters.  You can visit by clicking on my link, or on the Camera Critters button in the right hand bar of my blog to see critter photos posted by other bloggers around the world.

Words and photographs by Jayne Wilson, Green and Serene, Jayne's Country Garden.


  1. Nice pictures. Young birds are so much fun to watch. It's good to see them learning how to get on in the world.

  2. Thank you Dorothy. Yes I find it fascinating watching them. I could spend hours, lol.

  3. Lovely shots. It's always fun to see the babies learning the ropes.

  4. Hi Jayne, this is a lovely series of photos, both in birds and in pretty flowers. I love to watch the birds, they can be so entertaining. Happy Sunday to you :)

  5. don't have mockingbirds around here so nice to see them here

  6. Thank you bailey-road. Yes, I could sit and watch the babies learning the ways of the world for hours.

    Hi Denise-in-Va. Thanks for stopping by and commenting :-)

    Gerald - what a pity you don't have mockingbirds where you live. They are the most wonderful singers and will keep going for hours.

  7. Pretty flowers and great captures of the Mocker. Happy weekend!

  8. What a wonderful way to enjoy that cup of coffee! I enjoyed your photos and also going back and reading some of your older posts. Are you still seeing monarchs? I had been seeing one or two each day for a couple weeks or so, and then, yesterday, saw 4. They would feed on flowers, mostly the Liatris ligulistylis, and then fly off into the sky in pairs. It was so cool to witness, and they would also fly toward me at times.

    Thanks for your comment on my WW post. Yes, I have had the lens fog up due to the humidity.


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