Saturday, September 19, 2015

A Hummingbird of a Different Color?

Is it just me, or does this hummingbird look different?

I suppose it could be a trick of the light -- this was taken in the late afternoon and the sun was starting to go down.  You can click on the photo to see a larger version.

We usually get Ruby-throated hummingbirds, although apparently this area also gets Rufous hummingbirds.  I had never seen one before, but could it be a Rufous?

Below is one of our more traditional visitors.  Our sprawling Turk's Cap plant has been a bit hit with them this year.

Not wonderful photos, but taken from the patio, about 30 feet away, so about the best I can expect, I suppose. 

In addition to watching the hummingbirds, I've been casting a critical eye around my garden, looking back in my Garden Journal and taking stock of what has worked, what hasn't, and making plans for next year.  I will share that in my next blog post.

I'm sharing today's post with Camera Critters. Please stop by and see what other critter photos bloggers are sharing.

Words and photographs by Jayne Wilson, Green and Serene, Jayne's Country Garden.


  1. Wonderful photos Jayne! Must be great to have hummingbirds visit your garden. I have only seen them while on holiday and not for a very long time. They are such a sweet little bird.

  2. That first image certainly looks like a Rufous - hard to tell about the others. They are in the area now so you may well have one!

  3. Hi Dorothy -- the other two are female Ruby-throats, it was just the first one I wasn't sure about. Thanks!

  4. Hi DeniseinVA, thanks for stopping by. Yes, we are very lucky to host these little darlings each year as they get ready for their migration.


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