Sunday, October 11, 2015

Another Winged Beauty

I was sitting on the patio in the shade, browsing through the Native American Seed catalog, trying to decide what I want to plant next year, when a flutter of color caught my eye.

I looked up to see this lovely Giant Swallowtail,  Papilio cresphontes, enjoying the Profusion zinnia.  

 I have to tell you, whatever I decide to add next year, I'll be sure to include this zinnia! It shrugs off our heat and humidity and the bees, butterflies and even the hummingbirds love it.

And once it goes to seed, I suspect that the sparrows and other birds will enjoy pecking at the seed heads.

This beauty floated around for several minutes, allowing me to go indoors and get the camera to take these shots, and even take a short video.

Now *this*, is why I garden :-)

I'm linking this post to Camera Critters, do take a peek and visit some of the other Camera Critters participants this week.

Words and photographs by Jayne Wilson, Green and Serene, Jayne's Country Garden.


  1. Hello Jayne, your photos and video are lovely. I miss the butterflies already.

  2. Thank you Denise. October is usually our best month for butterflies. I love this time of year :-)

  3. I adore butterflies and often take Macro pictures of them whenever I am out and about early in the mornings. We still get a couple of them flying through during the day; but, they are mostly gone now (Fall is here and winter is coming). I don't think I ever captured a giant Swallowtail. That is cool!

  4. Beautiful ! Long time I haven't seen a butterfly !

  5. Thank you for stopping by, Lee Ann and Gattina. I'm glad you enjoyed my photos :-)

  6. I love the Swallowtails, but haven't had any luck photographing them. Either I'm too slow of they are camera shy in my garden!

  7. I've been very pleased with my camera Diana. It's a Nikon Coolpix and it lets me zoom in close without having to actually get close to them and disturb them. Most photos are taken from 10 or more feet away. It's hummingbirds I have trouble catching on film!!


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