Friday, January 1, 2016

The Birds of Winter - Part Two

I mentioned in yesterday's blog post that I had neglected to get photos of our most colorful and year round  feathered visitors - the Northern Cardinals and the Blue Jays  So this morning, I set seed on the wall and lay in wait, warmly wrapped up on the patio with my camera.

I love the way they watch me from the hedgerow as I set out the seed.  How many birds do you see in this photo? (you can click on it to see a larger version)

They all get along pretty well and will hop around each other on the wall, selecting their seeds of choice.

Can you say "greedy"?  This Blue Jay grabbed not one, but two, peanuts.

Here's another photo of them all in the hedgerow.  Perhaps I should take inventory of the plants there and see what I can add to my own garden to invite the birds to stay.

I'm linking today's post with Camera Critters.

 Here's hoping you had an enjoyable and safe New Year celebration and wishing you happy gardening and birding in 2016!


Words and photographs by Jayne Wilson, Green and Serene, Jayne's Country Garden.


  1. Great bird shots Jayne! I am looking forward to seeing my feathered friends now that we are back from vacation.

    Thank you for visiting me when I was away. I will slowly be catching up over the following week. My first post on our trip is here:

    Happy New Year to you all all your Loved Ones :)


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