Sunday, June 18, 2017

Pretty in Pink

The the past few years it has seemed like the flowers in the garden have been predominantly orange, with some complementary purple thrown in.

This year, the theme is pink, pink and more pink.

For some reason known only to the flowers themselves, it was only the pink blooms from last year that self-seeded.

This pink Cosmos is at least four foot tall and it's really put on a nice show.  The only problem has been that it's in front of the shorter Salvia Greggi and Pineapple Sage and blocking them  (and any hummingbirds that may be enjoying from view!

These pink Cleomes are about 4 feet tall as well.  They are more or less past their best now (this photo was taken a week or so ago).  I'm collecting seeds so I can start some seedlings and put them where I want them next year.  

I think this giant Violet Queen zinnia is more of a fuchsia pink than violet, but I love it anyway.  I had thrown several seeds directly into the island bed, but this was the only one that came up.  I've got more seeds, but probably too late to try and get them started now.  My bad.

In other news, I had been lamenting the total lack of Monarch butterflies in the garden so far this year, but in the past week or so there has been at least one female, laying eggs and enjoying some nectar.

I've only found two first instar caterpillars so far (click on the photo below to see the larger version and you may see one), but I'm sure there are more eggs around, ready to hatch.

I've set up the mesh  cage on the patio again and have ordered some more water picks to help me keep my milkweed clippings fresh.  I'm ready for the Monarch Nursery to get underway!

Words and photographs by Jayne Wilson, Green and Serene, Jayne's Country Garden.


  1. Your pink flowers are beautiful. I haven't had any Monarch babies yet, although I do occasionally see the butterflies in my garden. My impression is that there haven't been as many as last year, but I can't verify that.

  2. Thanks for stopping by and commenting, Dorothy. Have a look around your milkweed Dorothy. You may have more than you think. I found two more eggs today when I was selecting new cuttings to replace the ones that were wilted.

  3. Cool! Look forward to seeing your monarch nursery photos.

  4. Hello, lovely pink blooms. The pink cosmos is one of my favorites. I have not seen a monarch as of yet. Enjoy your day and the week ahead.


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