Luckily, there was no damage. Also, I was thrilled to note that there were several bees enjoying the perennial Salvia. It didn't take them long to find it :-)
I thought I'd share some photos that I took - they make me so happy :-)
As always, if you click on any of the photos, it will enlarge and you will be able to see the bees more clearly.
The Pollinator Partnership website has information about pollination for farmers and gardeners, as well as fun stuff - how to build a bee condo, how kids can help pollinators and more.
There's also information about how to contact your governor to ask them to proclaim a State Pollinator Week, including contact information for the various state governors' offices and a sample letter or phone script to get you started.
Words and photographs by Jayne Wilson, Green and Serene, Jayne's Country Garden.
Salvia is such a nice choice for a pollinator garden. I find that bees will go for any kind that I provide them.