At the beginning of June, I took a step back and looked at the back garden with fresh eyes. This weekend, I was doing some gardening in the front and happened to turn and get a view from a direction I don't normally see, since I come home from work from the other direction and head straight up the drive into the garage.
I thought the garden looked nice and had to grab the camera.
It was pretty bright, so the detail in the smaller photos is lost, but I think if you click on the photo to see the larger version you can see the detail. This is Lantana "White Gold." It's supposed to keep a compact, mounding shape, which it certainly has done so far.
I hope it stays compact. I remember a Lantana I had at my other house took over a bed completely.
I originally planted this Verbena "Hot Lips" (and several of it's buddies) around the young Live Oak trees. But they just didn't do well there and I ended up finding homes for them in and among the shrubs and daylilies in the front border. As you can see, they are rewarding me by bursting in to bloom, even though they're still very small. It's amazing how similar in color they are to the crepe myrtle we have in the front.
Now I'm sure if I was a gardening purist, the fact that the verbena "Hot Lips" and the crepe myrtle clash with the daylilies would drive me nuts.
Well ok, it does bother me a bit. But am I going to do anything about it? Naaaaah!
I'll just enjoy them for what they are, happy plants that are blooming in my garden.
That's it from me today, just a short post.
My apologies for my absence from blogging most of this week. The part time job I have working on an equestrian website has a large search engine optimization project going on that started this week and will be continuing through the summer.
The plan is to organize my days allow myself blogging time as well as work time, but we'll see how that goes. I'll try and visit your blogs and post comments, but it may not be as often as I have done in the past.
Words and photographs by Jayne Wilson, Green and Serene, Jayne's Country Garden.
Yes, your front yard does look nice. Your home is also beautiful. I love all the different colors of your flowers, too.
ReplyDeleteI keep thinking I'm going to take a blogging break to get rid of clutter in my house. I'd rather use my time well, and have time to do a variety of things each day. We'll see. I hope your stuff goes well.
Thanks Sue :-)
ReplyDeleteI didn't mention in my original post, but the part time job on the website is in addition to my full time day job. So you can see where time becomes an issue sometimes.
Jayne: I agree that your flowerbed DOES look very nice! I love that white lantana, never seen white one here. I think even it spreads, you should be able to easily prune it to keep it compact. I really like your day lily! I only have ONE day lily, need to search more.
ReplyDeleteNo need to apologize. Everybody has their own schedule and the life beside Blogging! Thanks for stopping by my blog when you are so busy. Take care! I will come to visit you when I return from my trip :)
Thanks Ami. Have a wonderful trip :-)
ReplyDeleteHallo Jayne,
ReplyDeleteThe front garden looks great,is Eric doing
his bit or is it all your own work?Dad
Hi Dad! Eric helps out -- we do the mowing and edging on Friday evenings. But as far as planting the flowers and shrubs, that's me. Eric admits he doesn't know anything about gardening.
ReplyDeleteLots of interesting texture and the curve in the bed sets the house off. Lovely.
ReplyDeleteYou have a beautiful home and the flowerbeds do look very pretty in front. I love the curved beds. I once had a gardener tell me that all colors go together in nature, and that changed my view point about colors that match or clash. I actually really like pink and orange together.
ReplyDeleteThanks Catherine. That's a great way to think about color in the garden.