Sunday, June 20, 2010

We Are Not Alone

 Ever get that feeling that you are not alone?

Most weekends, Eric and I enjoy a glass of wine on our patio.  I guess, being in Texas, we shouldn't be surprised to find that we often share it with the local wildlife.

In the past, we've been serenaded by frogs, entertained by skunks, raided by raccoons.

I was only mildly surprised then when I turned to say something to Eric and noticed a very large, very green "thing" on the window frame.  With apologies to my husband, this photo was too good not to share!!

I did a little research and I think I can identify the bug as an Oblong-Winged Katydid -- Amblycorpha oblongifolia

Here's another photo of it.

Impressive, huh?

Words and photographs by Jayne Wilson, Green and Serene, Jayne's Country Garden.


  1. That photo is priceless! What a pretty green insect! Is it similar to a grasshopper?

  2. What a great photo ... poor hubbie ... he does look rather concerned!!! Katydids are such a common insect here in my corner of Oz, especially during the summer.

    For Meemsnyc ... they're more closely related to crickets ... as a matter of fact we commonly call them Bush Crickets.

  3. The impression on your husband said it all! LOL. I will be freaked out as well:) Although when you calm down to take a look, it is a pretty insect indeed.

  4. I would have had to share the photo, too! Priceless.

    I have been trying to find you to tell you won my giveaway but I can't find an email address...
    Blessings, Patty

  5. How exciting, Patty. I just send you an email.

  6. What a funny photo! Yes, it looks like a katydid of some kind.

  7. We're having a katydid summer too here in the Hill Country. But they're chunky and orange. Very different than the sleeker green ones of a few years back. Some nights the chorus is so loud it seeps through closed windows.


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