Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Bugs and Blooms in the Garden

It seems like I haven't blogged in a while. I don't know where my time is going, but I just haven't found time this week to sit down to resize photos and blog until I decided I had to make it a priority this evening.

I don't have a specific subject in mind tonight, so I'm just going to take my cues from the photos I have taken in the past 10 days or so.

First, let me re-introduce you to an old friend.  If you read my post Wild America, you will remember the three-legged stick insect I found in the garden.

Well, guess who I saw again, by the front door this past weekend?  And guess what?  She has a boyfriend!

It has to be the same insect.  I can't imagine that two of them in close proximity to my garden would be missing the same three legs.  It certainly doesn't seem to have affected her adversely and apparently her boyfriend doesn't mind either.

Here's a photo of another fascinating insect that I took recently.

I don't know what type of dragonfly it is, but it's quite lovely and for some reason, it reminds me of an old World War II bomber, somewhat like the one that flew over our house, out of Hooks Airport recently...

(I think it's the "undercarriage" that makes it look like a bomber)

But I digress, this is supposed to be a Garden Blog, so what else has been going on in my garden?

Well the Phillipine Lily, that I mentioned in my blog last week, finally got around to blooming. I actually had three blooming at once, but I tried to take photos on a humid morning and the camera lens kept fogging up.  This was the best I could get...

In the front garden, the Lantana "White Gold" is blooming. I've got several of them dotted around the front and back gardens, but the one in the front is doing best so far.

I love this detail shot of the blooms.

I have somewhat of a love-hate relationship with Crepe Myrtles.  I have three of them in this garden, and I love the bright colors that last all summer long.  What I don't like is the mildew they seem to get afflicted with every year.  I think (and this is my unscientific opinion just from personal observations at previous residences) that the mildew is worse on young plants and once they have got a few summers under their belts, so to speak, the mildew won't be such a problem any more. At least I hope not.

This particular photo was taken on July 7, but a week later it was covered in mildew.  I treated it with a fungicide this past weekend, so I'll wait and see how it does.

Last week in my blog, I included some photos of butterflies on the milkweed, Asclepias curassavica. I think it's now safe to say that other than the daylilies, I have more milkweed growing than I have anything else.

The two original plants (one in the back and one in the front) reseeded so freely, they are everywhere :-)

It's just as well we rarely use our front door, using instead the interior door from the garage to the house, because you almost need a machete to get through these milkweed to the door!

Ditto the garage.  "Fideaux", my husband's venerable Toyota, has to plough through a jungle to park.

And they keep popping up!

So I potted some up to share with my neighbors :-)

To conclude my blog post tonight, here's my favorite photo that I took this week -- a bumble bee on the Vitex. As with all the photos, if you click on it, you can see it full size.

Have a great week!

Words and photographs by Jayne Wilson, Green and Serene, Jayne's Country Garden.


  1. Wow, I can't believe your stick insect friend is back, and with a boyfriend!! Wow! Maybe baby stick insects will visit you next!

  2. I couldn't believe it either! It certainly would be interesting to see babies :-)

  3. I'm a big fan of digression. Blogs are our own personal space, so we should be able to write about whatever we please, right? :D

    Don't worry about not getting to writing as often. There will be plenty of time for that in the winter :D

    great photos!

  4. Your milkweed proliferation made me smile. I had the same experience in Florida, where the combination of climate and host plant gave us a year-round culture of monarch butterflies. My neighbors were jealous and I had so many baby milkweeds, it was easy to share. When we moved away, 7 years after I first planted the milkweed, our street had become a monarch corridor with milkweed in every other yard.

  5. It would be great if our neighborhood could become Monarch Central, Kathleen, lol!

  6. Hi Jayne,
    I enjoyed your fun post. That milkweed looks like one I have in a pot. This kind is not a perennial here in Nebraska. Is it a perennial there, or does it just self sow?

    Thanks for your nice comment on my blog. I went to my chiropractor this afternoon, and I'm not in as much pain after supper as I have been after meals.

  7. Hi Sue, Last year was the first time I had planted milkweed, so I wasn't sure if it would come back this year or not, especially since we had a hard winter. But, in addition to the new seedlings coming up, the original plants leafed out again in the spring. So I think it's perennial down here.
    I'm glad your chiropractor gave you some relief.


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