Sunday, August 1, 2010

Mellow Yellow

Glancing out into the garden this morning, I saw a splash of lemon yellow where there hadn't been any yesterday...

Can you see it?

Wait.. let me zoom in a bit...

There! Next to the Rose of Sharon...

It's a passalong from fellow garden blogger and gardening friend, Ursula.

Here it is up close and personal.

It's a Mallow "Lemon Creme". The flowers look almost identical to those of my Rose of Sharon, other than the color. I believe it's a type of hibiscus, as is the Rose of Sharon, but I wasn't able to find the exact plant in my online search (there appear to be a zillion types of mallow), so I may be wrong.

I have two of them, courtesy of Ursula, and they both have lots of buds. 

One of the passalongs was a two-fer...

Not only did the pot contain a Lemon Creme Mallow, it also contained this salvia which, coincidentally, also started blooming today.

The garden looks a whole lot different to how it looked at this time last year!

Words and photographs by Jayne Wilson, Green and Serene, Jayne's Country Garden.


  1. It is always exciting to spot something new in the garden blooming! Your mellow flower is very beautiful, so is that red salvia! Isn't it fun to receive passalongs from the friends?

  2. Hi Ami, thanks, it is pretty isn't it? I'm glad I saw it when I did because the flower didn't last long at all. I hope the hummingbirds enjoy the salvia.


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