Saturday, September 11, 2010

Morning at the Spa

 Until today, I'd never witnessed our iittle birdbaths actually in use...

I've seen birds (and cats, for that matter) sipping water out of them, but never seen a bird having a bath in them.

This morning, as I was sitting down with my morning coffee, a burst of movement outside caught my eye. 

We have two birdbaths. One, a simple terracotta saucer seems to appeal to the ground feeders such as the doves, but this morning, a mockingbird was having a good old splash - water was going everywhere and I have no doubt it will need refilling again this morning!

Nearby is a small concrete birdbath which I usually just fill with birdseed. It's very shallow and difficult to keep water in, but this week it got rain in it so I hosed it out this morning and left some water in it. Within 10 minutes, a new visitor to the garden had come to check it out.

And, of course, we are still hosting a number of hummingbirds. It's been a joy to watch them and I can't believe how many we are seeing this year - I've never seen this many in my garden!

Wait... that's not a hummingbird.... hmmmm...

Words and photographs by Jayne Wilson, Green and Serene, Jayne's Country Garden.


  1. Jayne, It is fun to watch birds enjoying the water ... your title says it all. Love that hummingbird picture. Pam

  2. Thanks Pam. I get so much enjoyment from watching the birds. I'm so thankful we have so much natural area around us so the birds are plentiful.

  3. I enjoyed seeing your birds, which we don't have here. I've seen some birds bathe in our birdbaths, but when they see me coming out with my camera, they fly away. Great shots!

  4. I forgot to thank you for your kind words about my daughter. I appreciate it.

    Also, we put a few rocks in the saucer bird baths so the butterflies can perch on them. I've never seen one do that, but maybe they do when I'm not out.

  5. Ooh good idea Sue. I'll give that a try. (By the way, I took those photos through the patio door. Our birds fly away too, if we open the door and go outside.

  6. So much fun to see birds in the garden!

    You have more hummingbirds because last year's came back for more. And you have more plantings, which attracted more new birds. And you have a good heart (I'm sure they know those kinds of things).

  7. Great picture of the mocking bird bathing. I put a bird bath out not too long ago and have yet to see a bird in it. Maybe, I should have just laid my saucer on the ground, that mocking bird seems plenty happy!


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