Sunday, September 19, 2010

Autumn Color in the Garden

As I posted in a previous blog post, I had a lot of hot color in the garden this summer.

But as August turned into September, I began to notice a change.  The garden was dressing itself for fall, all by itself!

The garden mums that I put in two years ago as $1.50 sale items in 3 inch pots are now a foot tall and 18 inches wide.  They're covered in buds and have started flowering in a lovely range of autumn colors.

I have several of these "White Gold" Lantana in both the front and back gardens.  I love them!  They're mounding so they stay compact (athough that's not to say "small" -- they do spread) and have done so well that I recently planted some "New Gold" as well.

In the back garden, the Tropicanna has put out a bloom, adding some fall color back there.  I added a couple more pots with garden mums and some Pennisetum setaceum 'Rubrum' - purple fountain grass.

Since we spent a lot of time out on our shady patio, I added some fall color there too, all it took was a couple of accents on the shelf in the corner.

And finally, when I first saw this moth from a distance, on the wall above the garage, I thought it was the remains of a mud dauber's nest. Only when I got closer did I realize it was a huge moth!  And even he is wearing his fall colors! I'm sure his coloring works well as camoflage against a pile of fallen leaves.

On the wall -- not so much!

Anyone know what type of moth he is?

Words and photographs by Jayne Wilson, Green and Serene, Jayne's Country Garden.


  1. Dear Jayne, I love your little touches of autumn color. You have inspired me to add some fall artifacts to my patio and porch. Sorry I can't identify your moth. Pam

  2. Jayne I love the way in the USA you can have lovely things out on the patio at this time of year and being able to sit outside and enjoy the autumnal colours - unlike me from behind the panes of glass. Those mums were such a bargain and they are huge now. I hope someone will be able to let you know the name of that moth.

  3. I'm glad I was able to inspire you, Pam :-)

    Rosie - the fact that we can enjoy time on the patio at this time of year sort of makes up for the fact that it's miserably hot and humid out there all summer! That's one of the reasons I welcome fall here, as I was potting the mums this weekend, and listening to the children playing outside down the street, it reminded me of summer days when I lived in England!

  4. Oh - by the way, one of my gardening friends here in Houston informed me that my moth is the Texas Imperial moth.

  5. Lovely Autumn touches ... it's a great idea! It's not something that we do here, but it's great fun checking out all the ideas gardeners come up with like adding pumpkins and pumpkin pots! The Autumn colours look so pretty ... love that huge patch of Mums! ... and that moth!

  6. You have a beautiful place. Been looking at some of your posts...having fun !


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