Thursday, September 23, 2010

Silver Bells

First of all, I must apologize that I haven't been able to keep up with commenting very well in the past couple of weeks.  The next two weeks won't be good either.  The World Equestrian Games starts on Saturday and the website I work on for my second job is gearing up for coverage of that. So the next two weeks promise to be exciting, but hectic.  If you're interested, you can see our coverage here:

Anyway, on to my post...

The first two photos below were taken a week or so back and I just never got around to posting them, so I thought I'd do that today. They were taken early in the morning, after the sprinklers had run.  I went out to feed the birds and noticed the water droplets catching the morning sun, so I had to grab my camera.

You may or may not recognize the plant in the first photo -- it's the fennel that got eaten down to stumps a few weeks ago by the swallowtail caterpillars.  It's been coming back nicely and looked lovely covered in the sparkling 'silver bells" (click on the photo for the full size view)

Doesn't the Rose of Sharon look beautiful?

Finally, I happened to spot this little Phillipine Lily blooming in the front border on a different day from the photos above. What's so extraordinary about it is that it bloomed a full month after the two Phillipine lilies I have in the back garden.  I have no idea why -- I transplanted them all at the same time.  Still, it was a very pleasant surprise and although it's not covered in water droplets here, it's a silver bell in its own right :-) Thanks Ursula, for the beautiful lilies!

Have a great weekend everyone, perhaps I will see you at the Kleb Woods Hummingbird Festival on Saturday.  I'm going to try and fit that in my busy work schedule for the weekend.

Words and photographs by Jayne Wilson, Green and Serene, Jayne's Country Garden.


  1. Hi Jayne,
    I just found your blog through the blog hop party. I look forward to following yours.

  2. Hi Carla, thanks for stopping by :-)

  3. Hi, Jayne! Equestrian and hummingbirds all in one weekend? NICE! I'll have to check out your other site. We have an equestrian community close by...Wellington. Madonna and Bruce Springstein have homes there...lots of celebs in the high season. I live out in the "country" where the limelight is low and the horses relax in the off season. :D

    What a nice surprise...the lily! And your dill is coming back. I contemplated just this last week about planting dill on your recommendation for the butterflies.

    Have a great couple of weeks!

  4. Hi Jayne, thanks for joining my Garden Blog Hop. Your pictures look fantastic - enjoy your busy weekend!


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