I finally got around to purchasing and setting up a compost bin in the garden.
I hmmm'd and haaaa's about which design I wanted and actually purchased another design in the spring. But that didn't work out and I ended up tossing the thing out.
But now I think I have found something that will work for us.
It's the Classic Composter, by SoilSaver Inc.
I hmmm'd and haaaa's about which design I wanted and actually purchased another design in the spring. But that didn't work out and I ended up tossing the thing out.
But now I think I have found something that will work for us.
It's the Classic Composter, by SoilSaver Inc.
It was easy to put together and I just set it where the previous pile had been. All I had to do was put in a few carriage bolts, and voila!
The little booklet that came with it -- "A Sense of Humus, Your Guide to Composting with the Classic Composter," gives useful hints about composting. Information such as what can, and what cannot or should not be composted, how to eliminate smells and discourage flies. There's even a detailed "Principles of Composting" which I found interesting, because I was pretty ignorant of the mechanics behind it.
It's already off to a good start because even though I didn't like the composter I bought in the spring and although it was falling apart and falling over, there was some pretty decent compost in there. Since I cleared that site to put the new composter, I was able to fill it about half way with good compost -- now I can start adding to it as I do my fall clean up around the garden.
And next spring, I should have some nice compost to add to the beds when I get ready to start planting! That's the plan anyway :-)
Words and photographs by Jayne Wilson, Green and Serene, Jayne's Country Garden.
I hope you have good luck. As you have grass to put in there you will likely fare better than I. I have 2 compost bins and am now at the point where I put stuff in and hope that in 5 years I may have some compost! All the reading about composting didn't seem to help me. Look forward to hearing how it goes for you.
ReplyDeleteI was just thinking about that myself. We actually use a mulching mower, so we really aren't going to have much to go in it! However, there will be plant clippings and I got some hand shears to clip grass in places where the mower and edger won't fit, and the lawn needs to be raked every now and then, so that can all go in there. Plus I'm in the fortunate position of having access to a plentiful supply of horse manure to add to it!
ReplyDeleteI love composting! I have 2 bins, one is an actual composter and one is a garbage pail that we turned into a composter. It's great!
ReplyDeleteWe just used some of our compost in our new raised beds. It was really exciting!
welcome to the glorious world of composting! not only will you have some great things growing next year, you will have an enormous sense of satisfaction!!
ReplyDeleteI think I am going to buy a shredder so that I can make compost quicker. I've had mixed results with compost making - I really should be more proactive at making it but usually send the bits and pieces off for community composting. I hope this one works well for you Jayne.
ReplyDeleteAfter I set it up, I was wondering what to do with some rather pathetic looking milkweed and zinnias that were in pots and had been allowed to dry out. I chopped up the milkweed and zinnia stalks in to small pieces and threw them in, then I crumbled up the dried up soil over the top and mixed it in and gave it some water :-)
ReplyDeleteIts a nice new toy Jayne, I hope it will works well for you.
ReplyDeleteI don't no much about compost, we'll see the results in spring.
Have a great weekend!
Dear Jayne, I believe composting is very important, so congrats on making a start. This year I feel I neglected to turn my compost often enough. I use a pitchfork and find it quite strenuous. I would love one of those composters that have a handle to rotate it, but they are dreadfully expensive. Good luck with yours and keep us posted. Pam x
ReplyDeleteI look forward to seeing how you like your composter. I just have a 3 section area in my garden. I have one section for the new additions, another to turn it into, and the third where I have the finished compost before getting it put out. I have been putting it into buckets and spreading it around this week.
ReplyDeleteI know someone who has offered free horse manure to me, but my husband doesn't want to put it in his truck. I've been telling him we can take buckets for it, but he doesn't think it would be worth it. I may get him talked into it this week. We'll see.