Sunday, October 3, 2010

Reigning Monarch

First, I have to apologize for my absence from the blogosphere this week.  I think I had mentioned before I that I work on an equestrian website and we're super busy with the World Equestrian Games right now. 

Of course, that doesn't mean to say that I have been swilling bourbon down in Kentucky for the past week.  Rather I have been working my regular day job and then coming home and spending the evening posting stories and photos of the day's events that have been mailed to me by our on-site reporter, Nancy Jaffer.

So I'm following the events vicariously, I guess you could say.  What it means is that I have precious little "spare time" in which to blog or visit blogs and comment at the moment.

So this week, I'll just share with you a couple of photos that I snapped last weekend of a beautiful Monarch butterfly visiting my garden.

One more week of the World Equestrian Games and then I'll be back to my regular blogging and visiting again.

Words and photographs by Jayne Wilson, Green and Serene, Jayne's Country Garden.


  1. Hi Jayne,
    So, you're still in Texas, then? I don't remember if you've said what kind of job you have. I enjoyed seeing the monarch photos.

  2. Yes, I'm in Texas. My day job is in an accounting office. My evening job I do on my computer, via the internet. So although the Games are in Kentucky, I can do what I need to do in my jammies at home in Texas.

  3. Dear Jayne, You are a very busy lady! I am so glad you found time to post these lovely photographs. Pam x

  4. Lovely! Are you seeing many Monarchs?


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