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Monday, May 10, 2010

No Longer Hidden...

The gingers, that is....

I've been watering this tub of dirt and gravel ever since fellow Houston Grows blogger,  UrsulaAndres passed it along to me. The plant marker says "Hidden Gingers" and hidden they were.  I was beginning to wonder if there was really anything in there!

Ah, but I shouldn't have doubted Ursula!  While watering them this past weekend, I was thrilled to see little furls of green!

At this point, the tallest is about an inch high and, according to the plant profile at Dave's Garden, they can grow to four feet plus, so these little guys have some growing to do.

I see some transplanting in my future. I'll have to decide whether to repot them or plant them in the ground and find a suitable spot for them. But I'll let them grow a while yet.

Thanks Ursula!

Words and photographs by Jayne Wilson, Green and Serene, Jayne's Country Garden.

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